This weekend.

…was my last weekend with no wedding until October (oh my goodness me). So a trip in to London for Rob’s birthday and falling in love with a picture mostly took up my time. Oh and the sun even came out to play. How I love Spring. How was yours? Did you make a daisy […]

This weekend…

…was gloriously sunny. My flip flops that I’m still refusing to remove, didn’t look quite as silly on my not so tanned feet as they did last week, when it was tipping down with rain. Result. My ongoing computer/diary issues continue, which is still driving me slightly insane. But on the plus side, my weekend […]


So I have returned from the most amazing two weeks of my life to a computer disaster. I can’t access anything on my work laptop, including my diary. It is currently being fixed (hopefully) by some terribly clever men, so fingers crossed I will have some kind of idea what’s in store this week, but […]